Projects, Programs & Services
The process of project identification (or need-assessment) must be consultative and participatory, keeping in mind that the beneficiary-communities are the stakeholders in the implementation, monitoring and sustainability of the project. Community members are expected to provide a local counterpart, say, in the form of labor or raw materials. It is recognized that genuine, sustained and active community participation all throughout the project cycle results to a successful implementation of the project.
Communities who receive assistance are not limited to Catholics but rather the work of MSC is to benefit all people, irrespective of religion race or political persuasion.
Project proposals follow a simple format. Mission Office Philippines can assist the applicants (members of the MSC religious congregations or designated parish worker) in completing the forms. After screening and approval by the Board of Trustees, the proposals are forwarded to the Board of the MSC Mission Office Australia, Inc. which either rejects or accepts the applications in accordance with the defined protocol. If the application has been approved, the allocated funding is transferred to the Mission Office Philippines, Inc. It then coordinates with the applicants regarding the release of the funds.
Mission Office does not transfer funds to an individual’s bank account but only to recognized institutions or organizations. At the completion of a project the applicant is required to complete an acquittal form along with a project report to be submitted to the Mission Office Philippines. Projects usually run from one to two years.
- Provision of water tanks, irrigation systems, pumps, bores and wells in village communities, schools, health centers, parishes, where the community either has no supply of clean water, or where the existing water supply is contaminated, and not suitable for human consumption. Communities are encouraged to supply materials and labor.
- Assist in the development of training programs and facilities in poor regions where local communities have no government funding.
- Support locally conducted educational programs for homeless, poor and unemployed youth to teach them agricultural and other technical skills. e.g. building/ carpentry, motor mechanics, administration.
- Support community based awareness programs to enhance local knowledge of the causes and treatment of the HIV/AIDS virus (also other diseases e.g. leprosy, TB,malaria )
- Provision of funds for locally run social welfare, health & rehabilitation centers.
- Formation of MSC priests, brothers, sisters and lay associates.
- Support the Formation costs associated with the formation, education or training of Priests, Brothers and Sisters and Lay associates within the Chevalier family and its affiliates.
- Provision of basic support to people in emergency situations: natural disasters, such as earthquakes, or other situations such as famine or conflict.
- In these emergency situations, direct assistance such as the distribution of clothing, food, seeds, tools or temporary housing, may be provided.
Please open the files below for project guidelines and application form.